
The governing body of the Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education (CARPE) met in Porto. The University of Debrecen was represented at the event by László Csernoch, Vice-Rector for Research and Zsolt Varga, Scientific Director.

The necessity of biodiversity monitoring, modern data collection methods, the socio-economic use of information obtained through monitoring, the launch of the environmental monitoring system of the University of Debrecen and the current phases of the work were also discussed at the 1st Biodiversity Conference.

Following a line of previous successful events of this kind, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management have jointly hosted an Orientation Day for first-year international undergraduate, master's and PhD students. The objective of Wednesday's event was to present the cultural, leisure and social opportunities available at the university, at the faculties and in the city of Debrecen, as well as to provide useful information to help young foreigners integrate into our university community.


The Department of Animal Science of the University of Debrecen organised a three-day workshop for farmers and researchers working in the field of dairy cattle production in the framework of the Resilience for Dairy H2020 project.


The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates (DOSZ) organized the 26th Spring Wind Conference at the University of Miskolc, between 24-25 February 2023.


Between 24.04.-28.04.2023 13 lecturers from 3 Egyptian partner universities (Suez Canal University, South Valley University and Alexandria University) were guests of the DE MÉK Plant Protection Institute as part of a joint ERASMUS (Plant Clinic) program.


Mr Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh, PhD student from our Faculty’s Institute of Food Science, has been selected as Top 16 young scientist...

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences Debrecen Regional Committee on Animal Breeding and the Resilience for Dairy H2020 project held a scientific...

The future of work and the work of the future in the agricultural space - May 5th 2021, more about the program   The topics covered:

"Every day I look for new challenges and strive to tackle them"