
A delegation from five American universities visited the University of Debrecen on Friday to discuss teaching-researcher exchange programmes, English-language training opportunities for their students, short summer programmes and one- or two-semester studies. The delegation visited three faculties.

The graduating students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen marched through the city on carriages and carriages on Friday, in keeping with their almost half-century-old tradition, to say goodbye to the city and the institution. At this year's Yellows Day, almost 550 students celebrated the end of their studies.

The University of Debrecen and Indiana State University in the United States discussed the development of academic and mobility partnerships between the two institutions. During his visit on Monday, Diego Morales met with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and students at the University's Faculty of Agriculture.

The University of Bonn, one of Germany's top five higher education institutions, plans to collaborate with the University of Debrecen in research in several disciplines. The two universities are expanding the cooperation started in the NeurotechEU programme, which aims to promote the development of neurosciences and coordinate research; university leaders discussed the expansion of the relationship during a two-day visit to Debrecen.

The University of Debrecen students and researchers have provided the highest number of Fulbright scholars in Hungary - this announcement was made at the information session of the International Office of the University of Debrecen, presenting this year's applications of the world's most prestigious scholarship programme. Every year, Fulbright offers 25 Hungarian students, researchers and teachers the opportunity to work as academic researchers and gain professional experience in the United States of America.


The Department of Animal Science of the University of Debrecen organised a three-day workshop for farmers and researchers working in the field of dairy cattle production in the framework of the Resilience for Dairy H2020 project.


The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates (DOSZ) organized the 26th Spring Wind Conference at the University of Miskolc, between 24-25 February 2023.


Between 24.04.-28.04.2023 13 lecturers from 3 Egyptian partner universities (Suez Canal University, South Valley University and Alexandria University) were guests of the DE MÉK Plant Protection Institute as part of a joint ERASMUS (Plant Clinic) program.


Mr Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh, PhD student from our Faculty’s Institute of Food Science, has been selected as Top 16 young scientist...

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences Debrecen Regional Committee on Animal Breeding and the Resilience for Dairy H2020 project held a scientific...