Mission of the faculty

Mission of the Faculty

The mission of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management is the multifunctional development of agriculture and rural development in the North Great Plain Region. Accordingly, the institution primary deals with training professionals and regional, carrying out national and international research and consultancy, as well. Our spectrum of educational, training and research areas have broadened, in compliance with the demands of sustainable agricultural and rural development. The interconnection between the disciplines of science is getting stronger, which is desirable both in the long-term and the short-term. Our aspiration can be used as a motto, as well: "diverse training and mobility".

Our educational programs are flexible in their structure, and they are diverse in their content. The Faculty has the personal and infrastructural conditions for trainings. Our goal is to establish high quality student and research laboratories and to use them to train students with excellent skills. Special, high-value instruments and special measurement procedures enable the execution of world-class research work. Our accredited laboratory provides the opportunity to support segments that meet ongoing market needs.

The doctoral schools operating in the Faculty and covering a wider field (crop production, horticulture, animal science, as well as food and nutrition) - and their doctoral programs - provide a suitable background for the scientific training of talented young people.


Last update: 2022. 08. 01. 19:31