New research center at MÉK

New research center at MÉK

The Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology Center of the University of Debrecen was established. The new organizational unit will be one of the engines of the transformation of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management.May 10, 2021 - 13:12

The Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology Center of the University of Debrecen was established. The new organizational unit will be one of the engines of the transformation of the Faculty of Agricultural, Food Sciences and Environmental Management. The director of the center: Judit Dobránszki, a doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, received her credentials on Thursday.

At the Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology Center (AGBK) of the Faculty of Agricultural, Food Sciences and Environmental Management (MÉK) of the University of Debrecen (DE), basic market-oriented research in plant and animal genomics, biotechnology and agricultural innovation are carried out.

- Precision and circular agriculture no longer exists without plant and animal genetics, knowledge of its genomic bases and the use of biotechnological methods. With the research of these disciplines and the utilization of the results, with the support of Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and the scientific advisory initiative of Judit Dobránszki, AGBK was established as an organizational unit of MÉK on April 1, László Stündl told

A Mezőgazdaság-, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar dékánja hangsúlyozta: a hazai és nemzetközi vállalkozói szféra számára a tudományos eredmények közvetítésére, továbbá az igények, megrendelések becsatornázására hozták létre az Agrár- és Élelmiszeripari Tudáshasznosítási Központot.
- Nagy lehetőségeket rejt az AGBK megalakulása. A kutatóknak ma nem elég kiváló tudományos munkát végezniük, láthatónak is kell lenniük a szakma és a piac számára. A tudás- illetve technológiatranszfer, valamint a projekt együttműködések serkentése az egész debreceni agrárképzés számára kiemelt jelentőségű – fejtette ki Stündl László.

The Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural, Food Sciences and Environmental Management emphasized that the Agricultural and Food Industry Knowledge Utilization Center was established for the domestic and international business sector to mediate scientific results and channel their needs and orders.

- The formation of AGBK has great potential. It is enough for researchers today to do excellent scientific work, they also need to be visible to the profession and the market. The transfer of knowledge and technology, as well as the stimulation of project collaborations are of paramount importance for the entire agricultural education in Debrecen - explained László Stündl.

The challenges of agriculture in the 21st century can only be successfully met through the use of today's technologies.

"The centre's research contributes to the genomic and genetic mapping and biotechnological use of crops and animals, and their results can be applied in the agri-food and pharmaceutical industries," said Judit Dobránszki, head of the Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology Center.

The centre's Plant Genomics and Plant Biotechnology Research Groups carry out genomic research, epigenetic and gene transcription, and marker-based molecular research related to plant stress resistance research and supporting plant variety production. Another priority task is the performance of cell and tissue culture research and innovations, as well as the development and application of biotechnological procedures and virus removal research supporting plant variety production and maintenance.

Szilvia Kusza, head of the Animal Genomics Research Group and professor, stated that their goal is to maintain their significant role in the market of molecular genetic and genomic studies with economic and wild animal species, which has been performed in the Animal Genetics Laboratory of the DE for several breeding organizations.

- International and domestic collaborations greatly help the research activity, but this unit is also able to be the flagship of Hungarian animal genomics research, - emphasized Szilvia Kusza.

According to Szilvia Veres, Deputy Dean of Science: the establishment of the organization represents another huge shift in quality in the teaching and scientific life of the faculty.

- AGBK can play an important role in the reorganization of DE MÉK trainings and in internationalization in the field of agricultural biotechnology education and research.


According to Rector András Jávor, Chief Adviser: the faculty must keep pace with the dynamic development of the university. With the establishment of the Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology Center, agricultural training in Debrecen can be completely renewed.

- Agricultural education has two tasks to provide specialists in agriculture and to provide elite training for students, both of which must be present at DE MÉK in parallel. Precision agriculture cannot exist without the use of genomic and biotechnological results. AGBK provides this knowledge background and the opportunity to launch individual trainings. The staff of the newly established center, which is recognized both at the national and international level, still wants to play a key role in the work of doctoral schools, said András Jávor.

Last update: 2022. 08. 01. 19:32